Our services

What We Do


We have the following services which will be adapted to provide you with the best solution in your process:

Individual Counseling

If you wish to become a better version of yourself, seejing therapy is one of the best ways to go about it. At Life Changing, our trustworthy therapists/clinicans can meet you one-on-one and give you room to explore yoy feelings, thoughts, behaviors, and habits. Our patient-centered individual therapy aims to improve yoy life by provinding a safe and comfortable space to rtalk about difficult subjects and share intimate details of your life.

Family & Couple Therapy

Family & Couple Therapy Nobody should deal with their issues alone. That is why at Life Changing, we offer group psychotherapy to discuss and express feelings and change unhelpful attitudes, beahvior, and habits. With group therapy, you can join and meet other individuals under the guidance of our professionally trained therapists. Your group an act as your support system and sounding board.

Suportive Housing

Supplemental housing, also known as sober living homes or transitional housing, is a type of supportive living arrangement designed to provide a safe and structured environment for individuals in early recovery from addiction or mental health challenges.

Substance Abuse

At Life Changing, we've designed comprehensive treatment that gives drugs and alcohol dependents a chance to turn their lives around. We are dedicated to creating and maintaininga caring and sipportive recovery environment that promotes successful treatment autcomes. You can count on us to be with you every step of the recovery process.